

Овогодишње честитке за традиционално слање лепих жеља.


4 коментара:

  1. Hey Alex,

    I unfortuantely cannot read a word of Cyrillic, even though I have a Serbian boyfriend (from Banja Luka) Someday, I'll learn!

    Anyways! You have an absolutely fantastic blog. I love this post, the traditional media.

    I will update more, I must, but you must do the same, so I can come back and admire your art as well :)

  2. Hi Robin,

    What a surprising fact!
    I encourage you, as it is not really a hard one to learn. not to mention the pride of your boyfriend's parents. :)

    Thanks, I better start working on that, make my art look better knowing you might be checking up on me. ;)

  3. kako ova sa crvenim balonom sad ima drugaciju konotaciju. lepa je, kako god je tumacili. u svakom slucaju su u pitanju lepe zelje.

  4. Da...za nekoga sreca nije daleko stigla, ali nadam se da je osetan i optimizam, takodje kljucan u nastalim situacijama.
